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an art sound and dance collaboration

Wavescape Reflection - Dance Film Clip

Tilliana Greenwood,  is currently a dance student at Northern School Of Contemporary dance,  We created this film in lockdown - and with it, posing questions through dance which reflect on the future; in collaboration with WAVESCAPES music @mattgoodison

'Möibus Wave' Etching on Somerset paper 63cm x 36cm
'Möibus Wave' Etching 2020 by Catherine Greenwood, Double plate aquatint etching 50 cm x 80cm
This image inspired the first track on the album.


A collaboration of art & sound

by Artist Catherine Greenwood & Composer Matt Gooderson.

‘WaveScapes’ began as an auditory response to the visual stimulus of Catherine Greenwood's ‘Mobius Wave’ etching and a triptych of 3 wavescape etched silk banners. The music was created by Matt Gooderson using modular synthesis, graphic scores from the etching and field recording including sampled notes from Catherine's hierloom piano, wooden flutes and whistles collection.


Covid-19 lockdown meant that all of the compositions were written very early in the morning, the sounds and art evoke light and hope and emotional response to longing for the sea. Möbius Wave etching and other artwork from the wavescape series has been used as the album cover for the music release available for sale as CD, cassette and vinyl and free digital download.

'Wavescapes' has also evolved as an installation fusing art and sound dance. Waves of Tranquillity video included with choreography and dance by Tilliana Greenwood response to Wavescape track IV. A live performance has been choreographed for this created of this work which could also be recorded and  projected installation of any or all of its components.

‘Waves of Tranquility’ video is central to a set of 9 tiles that create 'Wavescape Memory Box'; this is an interactive audio visual soundscape that was created as a presentation of this installation for a digital audience for the ‘Wilderness For The Mind online Exhibition’ in June 2020 Wilderness Art Collective’s Summer programme.

Wavescape silk.jpg

Wavescape available as Free download, CD & Cassette @Bandcamp @playinthesystem

Wavescape silk.jpg

Wavescape Memory Box
Click on tiles simultaneously to view and play.

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© 2020-2025 Catherine Greenwood

Web Design by Michael Hoelters


Any reproduction of artwork from this website is strictly prohibited. Please contact the artist for permission.

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